Size Does Matter

by. Sean McDonald

Last week I had the extraordinary privilege of being the keynote presenter at a Small Credit Union CEO Boot Camp in Columbus, Ohio.  It was a joint venture sponsored by the Ohio Credit Union League and NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives (OSCUI.)

Attended by several dozen CEOs of smaller credit unions, the discussions related to the workshops were robust and informative, collaborative and encouraging.   In fact, I would say that the attendees themselves were the real keynoters! These folks are passionate about the credit union industry and are wholly dedicated to their own individual credit unions.  While many of those in attendance are facing budgetary limitations and other challenges when it comes to offering new products and services, they are still working hard for their members and it is evident that they are pushing themselves as well as their employees to go beyond what would be reasonably expected of a small shop.

I wanted to share some key insights that I received when I was speaking to these extraordinary credit union leaders.

Size does matter: While the current economic climate can be a bit unfriendly to smaller credit unions, the fact remains that small shops still account for most of the credit unions throughout the country.  Together, they are a strong force for their members and their communities.  Through the Ohio CUL and the OSCUI, the attendees are taking advantage of the many resources that are available that will not only sustain them, but will hopefully allow them to thrive.

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