Six ways baby boomers can improve their retirement

by: David Dorion

The working world is changing. And as a Baby Boomer who plans to work past 65, you need to change along with it.

Baby Boomers who are working beyond retirement may find themselves challenged by issues that might not have been considered earlier in their careers. From health concerns to keeping job skills up-to-date, it’s more important than ever for Baby Boomer workers to reinvent themselves.

new study from the nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® assesses the anticipations of Baby Boomer workers as they envision this new model for retirement, and looks to answer the inevitable question… “Baby Boomer Workers Are Revolutionizing Retirement: Are They and Their Employers Ready?”

Here are six proactive steps you can take to help you stay employed and improve your retirement prospects.

1. Stay healthy. Sixty-five percent of Baby Boomer workers are taking the necessary actions toward healthier lifestyles to remain on the job. With rising health care and disability costs, a healthy Baby Boomer worker, particularly one with experience in the workplace, can tend to be a very important resource to an employer.

Take the action you need to eat properly, exercise and get plenty of rest. You might even consider a gym membership, and as far as nutrition, a quick Google search will help you find publications written with the Baby Boomer diet in mind.


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