Seven steps to collaboration in disagreement

by: Rich Jones

When all parties are agreeable, collaboration is easy. It is when the parties are not agreeable that a leader goes to work. Disagreements can come from many sources and for many reasons but the key to connecting opposing positions starts with understanding all sides. How can a leader create a collaborative effort when disagreement is present?

  1. Start with understanding – Often our greatest opportunities in the execution of strategy or project are found by listening carefully to the voices of friction in the room. A leader needs to make certain this voice of disagreement or fear is heard. Avoid writing stories in your head about why a person or group disagrees. It is real easy to assume why they disagree. It is also easy to use perceptions of the person or group to draw conclusions on why. Avoid these tendencies by listening actively to these issues because a leader knows that assumptions and perceptions can be wrong.
  2. Communicate this new information to the entire team – This critical step will allow those that were dismissing the fears and concerns of the naysayers will understand what challenges were learned from the dissenters. At this point the leader is positioned to make educated decisions on how the course or timeline of the project or implementation plan will be amended.
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