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Leaders: We’ve Got To Win Them

December 7, 2012 — by Matt Monge Let’s assume for a minute that you’ve been putting some of the foundational, building-block things in place to foster and support healthy culture (things like clarifying the values, making sure teammates understand them,aligning recruiting and ...


10 traits of ego-driven leaders

January 14, 2014 — by. Matt Monge We all struggle with ego — every single one of us. Ego-driven leadership is one of the most toxic elements that can be introduced to a team or organization. How can you tell if your leadership is ego-driven? 1. ...


It’s Not Extraordinary if It’s the Norm

December 28, 2012 — by Matt Monge We’re all trying to figure ourselves out, aren’t we? Individuals are “finding themselves,” young leaders are finding their way (or maybe they’re not, depending how you look at it), groups are figuring out who they ...


What Socrates Would Say to Credit Unions

October 22, 2012 — by Matt Monge I’m about to kill my own little culture consulting practice with two words. I’m going to spare you the time, effort, and cash commitment connected with contracting a consultant to help your credit union clarify and ...


9 Leadership Mistakes That Kill Your Team

March 20, 2013 — By Matt Monge Humans are imperfect, yes? So it stands to reason that leaders, unless of course they’re not human, are also imperfect. We’ve all got our own version of imperfect too, don’t we? We’re each uniquely ...


Who Gives a Harlem Shake About Culture?

March 8, 2013 — By. Matt Monge #HarlemShake That’s hashtag Harlem Shake for those of you who haven’t yet had the life sucked out of you by the infinite black vortex that is Twitter yet. Why does this stuff happen? Why in the ...


Get Stuff Done

October 15, 2012 — by Matt Monge I’m at a conference in Austin right now, and I’m super stoked about being able to be part of it. Why am I stoked? Well, the idea behind this particular conference is really cool. It’s ...