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Habitats for Humans

January 16, 2013 — By Matt Monge It’s critical that we see organizations as habitats for human beings. It was while reading Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach that I stumbled across the preceding statement. That idea, as simple as it sounds, could ...


Humanness: The Antidote to Leadership Dysfunction

April 18, 2013 — by. Matt Monge As I’ve read and considered the various ideas contained within any number of leadership-related books, the idea of dysfunction being related to our humanness, or lack thereof, becomes increasingly clear. Whether it be the concept of dehumanization ...


Credit Union Leaders, Let’s Do Fewer Transactions

April 2, 2013 — That’s not a typo. It does say fewer transactions. I hope you’ll let me explain. by. Matt Monge, Mazuma Credit Union & The Mojo Company That’s not a typo. It does say fewer transactions. I hope you’ll ...


10 Coworkers You Want to Kick in the Keister

May 22, 2013 — by Matt Monge There is no such thing as a perfect workplace. No. Such. Thing. Every organization’s got its own quirks and oddities. Just for kicks, here are some of the folks you’ll see around just about any organization. ...


Creating a Conscious Corporate Culture

January 18, 2013 — By Matt Monge The past several months have been really cool from both an individual and organizational perspective. I’ve been challenged to think differently in a variety of ways, and one of those is in regards to organizational culture. It’...


6 Things Executives Aren’t Thinking

November 1, 2012 — by Matt Monge After this post, I had some folks asking for a “Things Executives or Managers Aren’t Thinking” post. Well, the Workplace Mojo lower-case-g gods have smiled upon you, so here you go… As much as awful managers bother ...


8 Suggestions for Fast Recruiting

February 12, 2013 — By Matt Monge My thought is that leaders and hiring managers need to hire slowly, taking their time to ensure they’re selecting team members that are not a match from a technical perspective, but also a cultural one. What that ...