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The Virtues of Protecting Your Culture

March 18, 2013 — By. Matt Monge The feeling you get when you build a great culture is extraordinary. It creates a sense of unity, excitement, and unbelievable pride.  People typically light up when they talk about a great culture — I know I do. There ...


5 Ways Credit Unions Can Encourage Creative Employees

February 1, 2013 — By  Matt Monge, Mazuma Credit Union & The Mojo Company So this post and the ensuing comments got me thinking a little more about this idea of organizations flexing a little more in regards to individuals being wired differently. Sometimes folks ...


Servant Leaders: Valuing People

January 11, 2013 — By Matt Monge Like many of you, I’ve had the “pleasure” of working for a boss or executive who seemed to enjoy reminding me how “in charge” they were. Like many of you, I didn’t enjoy it. On the ...


5 Things We Can Learn about Leadership from Siri

April 23, 2013 — by Matt Monge Apple’s virtual assistant Siri was designed to learn and get more sophisticated over time. The evolution in Siri’s capability and the increase in value she brings happen as users build a history with her. Learning through ...


3 Reasons Leaders Should Laugh More

July 22, 2013 — by. Matt Monge Believe it or not, workplace levity can be quite the lightning-rod topic in many organizations. There are a few moments in my career I won’t soon, if ever, forget. One took place at a former employer during ...


20 Things Leaders Should Say More

February 19, 2013 — By. Matt Monge It’s not always some big, flowery, masterfully delivered declaration that teams need to hear from their leaders. Often it’s the little things–small phrases or statements that can change the tone and feel of your workplace ...


12 Things YOU! Said Caring Leaders Do

March 1, 2013 — By Matt Monge Recently I asked many of you and the fine folks with whom I’m connected on social media to tell me what sorts of things leaders do that shows they care about their employees teams. In total, I ...