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3 Reasons I Hate the Word “Just”

April 8, 2013 — by Matt Monge I’m just a bank teller. I’m just a customer service rep. I’m just a trainer. I’m just a new hire. I’m just a receptionist. I’m just a clerk. I’m just one ...


13 Thoughts for Discouraged Leaders

February 28, 2013 — By Matt Monge It ain’t all rainbows and unicorns. After the YouTube clip ends, after the conference is over, after the teambuilding session–there’s this other thing that happens. Real life leadership. And it’s exhausting. Tiring. Long hours. ...


Self-Awareness & Self-Acceptance (Cancer & Leadership: Part 4)

November 19, 2012 — by Matt Monge A couple interrelated ideas that I wrestle with–as I suspect others do too–are the ideas ofself-awareness and self-acceptance, and specifically self-awareness and self-acceptance in regards to leadership. This is an ongoing conversation in one of my ...


10 Signs You Might Be an Arrogant Leader

January 28, 2013 — By Matt Monge All of us are arrogant to some degree sometimes. I know I am. Some of us are better at fighting it than others. Some of us are better at hiding it. Some folks are lucky in that they ...


7 Body Language Myths Leaders Can’t Believe

May 30, 2013 — by Matt Monge Based on body language alone, that guy in the background is undoubtedly pondering the deeper things of life. Who am I? Why am I here? I wonder if anyone’s ever been able to open a Capris Sun ...


9 Interview Questions for Finding Innovative Leaders

October 2, 2012 — by Matt Monge Most interviews are pretty boring, so it stands to reason that most interview questions are also boring. There are certainly exceptions, of course, but by and large interview questions are some of the most predictable and inane questions ...


5 Credit Union Culture Myths

March 6, 2013 — By. Matt Monge, Mazuma Credit Union & The Mojo Company Mr. Rogers was a former Navy Seal. Gum takes seven years to digest. Refrigerating batteries makes them last longer. Facebook is going to start charging you next month. Hair grows back ...