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What Cancer Taught Me About Leadership: Part 2

November 2, 2012 —   by Matt Monge “Put your arms over your head.” “OK.” “I can tell you’ve done this before.” “First, that’s what she said. Second, yes, I’ve been through this drill before.” Thus went the conversation this morning between ...


6 Reasons Core Values Matter

October 12, 2012 — by Matt Monge Core values–or whatever you want to call them–are a BFD. Some folks might argue that they’re not that important, but I’d suggest they rethink that position because whether they think they’re important or ...


What I Should Have Said…

October 22, 2012 — by Matt Monge So how much of the responsibility for employee development lies with the employee? I don’t recall the specific verbiage that was used, but that was the gist of the question as I remember it. It came in ...


A Culture of Good

February 13, 2013 — By. Matt Monge In her post titled What’s Keeping Your Company Culture Intact and Thriving?, Laura McKnight suggests that organizations should “[make] the most of your employees’ desire to do good.” Comments like that get my inner philosophy nerd all ...


16 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves

February 21, 2013 — By. Matt Monge Just between you and the mirror… 1. Are you more motivated mostly by the drive to capture success or by a desire to serve others? 2. Do you use your grasp of internal politics as a weapon to ...


10 Coworkers You Want to Kick in the Keister

May 22, 2013 — by Matt Monge There is no such thing as a perfect workplace. No. Such. Thing. Every organization’s got its own quirks and oddities. Just for kicks, here are some of the folks you’ll see around just about any organization. ...


5 Things You Need to Build a Creative Culture

May 15, 2013 — by. Matt Monge We all swoon at the creative cultures we see in some organizations. They have these crazy interior designs, their employees dress funny (why is it always skinny jeans?), but no one can argue with the fact that they ...