Retail Banking Predictions & Trends For 2013

While The Financial Brand refrains from publishing any kind of annual forecast of trends in retail banking, there’s no shortage of experts weighing in with their predictions and resolutions for next year. What are some of the major themes that will dominate 2013? Here’s what they have to say.

At the top of everyone’s 2013 list was something about mobile. And if predictions come true, this could be the year marketing finally embraces the mobile channel.

Go mobile or die. Marketing veteran Drew McLelland said if mobile banking wasn’t your top priority in 2012, it better be for 2013. “This isn’t optional for financial institutions that want to be in business in 2020,” said McLelland. “It’s really that simple.”

Branding consultant Sean McDonald agrees: “Mobile banking, remote deposit capture, and all of the technology associated with these things will continue to be the fastest-growing trend in our industry.”

Everything starts and stops with mobile. Jim Breune, CEO and founder of the Online Banking Report and founder of Finovate Conferences recommends that “every product enhancement, marketing initiative, branding play, pricing adjustment, customer service tweak, security improvement and even new brick and mortar investment should beviewed through an online/mobile lens in 2013 and beyond.”

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