Pushing the Credit Union Envelope with Filene’s Matt Davis


After a year or so of trying to schedule an interview with the ever-elusive Filene’s Innovation Director Matt Davis (he’s a busy dude), we bumped into each other at the 2013 GAC. So I took advantage of his limited availability and conducted the long-awaited interview with the legendary @CUwarrior right there in the Washington, D.C. Convention Center lobby. Good timing. What transpired was an unexpected, yet welcomed, discussion of various credit union issues Matt addressed with great enthusiasm in his own deep-thinking way.

Matt is one of a truckload full of young, insightful credit union leaders looking to elevate this industry with his push-the-envelope mode. For example: Check out his 2013 SXSW daily recap videos with fellow industry colleagues Mt. Lehman Credit Union General Manager Gene Blishen and Currency Marketing President & Creative Director Tim McAlpine. Fascinating discussions on what the three experienced at SXSW and how it all can relate to help credit unions.

Matt, along with Tim McAlpine, is also the Co-Founder of CU Water Cooler — another forward-thinking venture that sparks discussion from those who look outside the industry to help the industry. Good group of folks who like to disrupt and encourage change. Matt also has a blog entitled: Credit Union Warrior.

So take a few minutes and check out our impromptu chat with Matt and let us know what you think. Enjoy!


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