Purposeful Talent Development: Talking timing

Having conversations about learning and career expectations can help keep an employee on the road to professional growth.

We used to live in a world where we had to wait for things to happen. We had to wait for tomorrow’s paper to hear the news of today and we had to wait for a letter in the mail to hear from a friend. When you’re required to wait for so many things, you develop patience.

However, the way our world is now, we aren’t used to waiting. We can find ourselves getting impatient if a webpage takes more than two seconds to load or our oven takes a few minutes to preheat.

It makes sense that things move more quickly now than they did five or 10 years ago. The advancement of technology has created new efficiencies and changed the speed at which we operate. When we look back and see how quickly the world has evolved and technology has changed, can we really blame individuals who believe their growth and development should happen just as fast?

We all have goals for our own career and development. We may want to expand our knowledge and skills to strengthen our current capabilities, understand other functions of the organization or move into a more senior position. Leaders may discuss development and career goals with staff, but maybe not the expectations of when those goals could be achieved. Setting expectations for development is becoming more and more important for organizations and individual leaders.


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