Public Speaking: It’s part of the job

by. Dan Berger

It’s probably a safe assumption to say that most of us, as leaders, have had to give a presentation in front of others at one time or another.

It’s part of the territory of being a leader despite whether or not we enjoy it, so why not learn to do it well? spells out seven tips for “remarkable presentations.” The tips are:

1. Never lecture.
2. Appeal to emotion.
3. Tell stories.
4. Use signposts. Tell your audience where you’re going or if you’ve arrived.
5. Keep it simple.
6. Get personal.
7. Use the 20/20 rule. Keep presentations to fewer than 20 minutes and rehearse them at least 20 times. A tip within a tip: Forbes notes one strategy called the 10/20/30 rule regarding PowerPoint slides. A PowerPoint presentation should be no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and text font should be no less than 30-point size.

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