
Three more credit unions roll out Aperture

MALVERN, PA (March 31, 2023) — AKUVO, a technology organization specializing in collections and credit risk, announced today that three more credit unions have gone live on its Aperture platform.

They include the $4.5 billion FAIRWINDS Credit Union of Orlando, Fla., the $2.4 billion Credit Union of Texas of Allen, Texas, and the $1.5 billion St. Mary’s Bank of Manchester, N.H.

These three credit unions serve distinctive markets. However, all said they selected Aperture because of the platform’s ability to provide a modern, customized experience for members while also improving efficiencies and delivering better recovery results.

AKUVO’s flagship technology has been architected to take advantage of Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). As financial institutions use Aperture for a period of time, Aperture is positioned to deliver behavioral-based analytics that empower collections staff to confidently offer individualized solutions to members. Aperture’s automated processes and ability to integrate with third party systems improve employee efficiency and member engagement.

And, Aperture has upgraded productivity tracking, allowing the credit union to monitor collections activity and manage staff more precisely.

All three credit unions also cited the result of the Aperture experience: increased member loyalty.

“We salute all three of these fine institutions, which provided our team with exactly what they needed to execute quick and easy conversions,” observed Mike Ruggerio, Vice President of Customer Loyalty at AKUVO. “Now they can hit the ground running and enjoy immediate improvements in efficiencies, member and employee experience, and a boost to their recovery numbers. We’re proud to have them on board the Aperture platform.”


AKUVO is a leading provider of cloud-native collections software solutions that elevate how banks,  credit unions, and fintechs collect and manage their portfolios via its products. Whether it is through  their stand-alone virtual collector, or its next-generation collections platform, AKUVO provides the  technology and data necessary to increase collections efficiency, provide a digital consumer experience,  reduce staff costs, anticipate delinquencies, and provide insight into future credit decisions. AKUVO  delivers a digital future for collections and account performance management with a visionary,  behavior-based approach while taking full advantage of emerging technologies such as artificial  intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning. To learn more, visit


Lauren Sybesma


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