
Member Loyalty Group celebrates two major milestones: serving more than 100 credit unions and collecting over 3 million member surveys

CHICAGO, IL (November 16, 2016) — Member Loyalty Group, founded in 2008 to serve as credit unions’ partner in perfecting the member experience, recently celebrated two milestones. The CUSO has collected over 3 million member surveys on behalf of the more than 100 credit unions it now serves.

“We have learned so much about what drives member engagement and loyalty over these past eight years. It’s been eye opening to capture, analyze and help credit unions act on the feedback provided by over 3 million of their members,” shared Michelle Bloedorn, CEO of Member Loyalty Group. “We serve as a partner to each of our 100+ participating credit unions. I look forward to continuing this journey and helping more credit unions achieve their growth, service and financial goals through our industry leading member experience program.”

Beyond accurately measuring a credit union’s loyalty or Member Effort Score, the CUSO’s member experience program allows credit unions to take action on member feedback so that they can consistently create exceptional member experiences and drive long-term financial growth. Participants are also able to measure their performance against peers with industry standard benchmarks for each member journey and learn best practices from top performers.

Member Loyalty Group has grown from serving its six founding credit unions in 2008 to serving over 100 credit unions. As more organizations focus on the member experience, the CUSO plans to continue expanding its world-class CX tools beyond surveys to meet the fast changing needs of credit unions. Ms. Bloedorn notes, “As a CUSO, our credit unions drive our future direction and work with us side-by-side to develop Member Experience programs uniquely structured to meet their needs. You don’t see that type of effective collaboration in any other business.”

For more information about Member Loyalty Group’s Member Experience program, credit unions should visit ( or contact .

Interested credit unions may also request a complimentary copy of our latest benchmark overview here ( .

About Member Loyalty Group

Member Loyalty Group is a CUSO formed by leading credit unions in 2008 to develop a common member loyalty benchmark for the credit union industry and is the 2012 winner of NACUSO's Collaboration & Innovation Award.  The CUSO has an exclusive relationship with Satmetrix, the Net Promoter® company, to provide credit unions with the most effective tools for managing a Net Promoter® program to collect and act on member feedback that increases loyalty, growth and retention. Member Loyalty Group serves nearly 100 credit unions, many of which are over $1 billion in assets, across the country.  For more information visit

About Net Promoter®

Net Promoter® is both a customer loyalty metric and a discipline for using customer feedback to fuel profitable growth in your business. Net Promoter® has been embraced by leading companies worldwide as the standard for measuring and improving customer loyalty. Financial Institutions obtain their Net Promoter Score® by asking customers a simple question on a 0 to 10 rating scale: “How likely is it that you would recommend the organization to a colleague, family member or friend?”  Based on their responses, consumers can be categorized into one of three groups:  Promoters (9-10 rating), Passives (7-8 rating), and Detractors (0-6 rating). The percentage of Detractors is then subtracted from the percentage of Promoters to obtain a Net Promoter Score®.

Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.


Sharon Simpson

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