
MCUL raises $102K for Children’s Miracle Network in 2023

LANSING, MI (October 11, 2023) — In 2023, the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) continued its fundraising focus on the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), a non-profit organization that raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and children’s health awareness. Through the League’s silent and live auctions, fun run, golf outing and matching donations, MCUL raised a total of $102,176.

The total amount will be divided among four CMN Hospitals in Michigan.

The partnership between CMN and the Michigan credit union community dates back to 1998, and the credit union industry is the third-highest donor to CMN behind Costco and Wal-Mart.

In the last 15 years, MCUL has raised more than $1 million for CMN.

“The League is pleased to round out our 25th year of CMN partnership so successfully,” said MCUL President/CEO Patty Corkery. “Of course, we couldn’t do this without continued commitment from our Michigan credit unions and credit union partners. They understand how important these funds are in providing critical treatments, equipment and care for children in need.”

The efforts of CMN Hospitals provide more than 32 million treatments to kids each year.

About Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL)

The Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) is headquartered in Lansing, Michigan. The 186 Michigan credit unions, which hold $101 billion in assets, serve 60% of the state’s population. During 2024, Michigan credit unions provided its 6 million members with a total of $994.5 million in direct financial benefits.


Shawn Glinis
Media and Publications Editor
Michigan Credit Union League
734.793.3449 |

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