
Credit unions across the state increase food bank fundraising goals

Credit Union Coalition's Food Drive Campaign runs from August 1 – September 30

HONOLULU, HI (August 3, 2022) — From August through September—under the banner Credit Union Coalition— Hawaii credit unions will help Hawaii Foodbank and its neighbor island partners fill its pantries. Last year, the Credit Union Coalition surpassed its $50,000 monetary goal and raised just under $70,000. This year’s monetary goal is $100,000. The non-perishable food collection goal is 20,000 pounds, double the amount from last year. Credit unions on Oahu, Big Island, Maui, and Kauai are participating in this fundraising initiative.

Prior to the COVID19 pandemic, Hawaii Foodbank spent $400,000 per year on food purchases. It distributed 12 million pounds of food, including 3 million pounds of fresh produce. The pandemic’s impact hit in fiscal year 2020 when the amount spent on food purchases increased to $500,000 per month, plus food distribution increased 50 percent.  Fiscal year 2021 saw an additional 40 percent increase in food distribution.

People are urged to visit the Credit Union Coalition page on Hawaii Foodbank’s website, select a credit union portal, and donate today. (Membership in the credit union is not required to donate.)

About Hawaii Credit Union League

Hawaii Credit Union League is the trade association representing credit unions in Hawaii and Guam.


Laurie Okawa
Communications Officer
Hawaii Credit Union League

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