
CA/NV credit unions to get assistance on ADA website compliance

ONTARIO, CA (March 1, 2018) — California and Nevada credit unions grappling with how to ensure their websites are compliant with the American With Disabilities Act (ADA) now have a new resource.

To assist credit unions, PolicyWorks—the compliance firm owned by the Iowa Credit Union League and of which the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues have minority equity stakes in—has partnered with an Iowa company that can provide scans and consultation for credit unions related to ADA considerations.

“PolicyWorks can be the solution to ADA compliance problems,” said PolicyWorks Interim CEO Brian Godwin.

“This new service offered by PolicyWorks carries a lot of value for our member credit unions in that it provides not only an audit of their websites, but also consultants to help even a non-IT person understand how to make sites ADA compliant,” said Vice President of Credit Union Solutions and Membership Tonja Wheatley.

Credit unions will be able to select from various packages, depending on the frequency of scans they would like. The options have been created to meet the credit unions’ needs, as well as make them affordable for both smaller and larger credit unions alike.

For more information, contact Tonja Wheatley at 909.212.6023, or via email at

About California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues

Headquartered in Ontario, California, the Leagues exist to help credit unions change people’s lives by supporting their operations, guidance, strategy and philosophy. Our trade association helps local credit unions in California serve nearly 14 million members and those in Nevada serve nearly 400,000 members. Credit unions are for people, not profit!


Karla Davis
Vice President of Communications and Marketing
California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues

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