
Brazilian credit union professionals connect with CUNA, NCUA, NASCUS

UNICRED employees to also visit D.C. area credit unions on Global Classroom visit

MADISON, WI (September 25, 2019) — Dozens of professionals from UNICRED—one of Brazil’s largest credit union systems—are learning about the U.S. credit union system and exploring innovative strategies to improve member service on a World Council of Credit Unions’ Global Classroom visit to the Washington, D.C. area this week.

A busy start to the week included presentations by Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan, Chief Credit Union Awareness Officer Chris Lorence and Senior Director of Compliance Analysis Valerie Moss. The Brazilian delegation gained insights on grassroots advocacy, the Open Your Eyes campaign and collaborative efforts to ease compliance burdens for credit unions.

Tim Segerson, Deputy Director of the Office of Examinations and Insurance for the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), shared an overview of U.S. credit union regulatory priorities and the examination process. UNICRED professionals also heard from Shelton Roulhoc, VP of Communications for the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS), who highlighted unique aspects of the dual chartering system in U.S.

“This exchange provides our Global Classroom participants with a deeper understanding of the U.S. credit union ecosystem and strategies for addressing shared challenges facing financial cooperatives around the world. Now, the true immersion experience begins during our upcoming visits with credit unions in the D.C. metro area,” said Thom Belekevich, WOCCU Program Manager for Member Services.

The UNICRED delegation visited PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union Tuesday and will also make stops at:

The delegation will wrap up the week with an Innovation Program with the Filene Research Institute that will bring together lessons learned and new perspectives into a plan for implementing positive change in their credit unions back home.

“Our session with Filene is the perfect complement to this program. International exchange is a powerful force for encouraging creativity and helping people see the world through different eyes. After spending the week exploring a different reality and new perspectives, our colleagues from Brazil will be primed for the important work ahead—learning a new method for innovation to improve member services when they get back to Brazil,” said Belekevich.

CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan speaking to UNICRED employees.

UNICRED employees at PAHO/WHO Federal Credit Union.

About World Council of Credit Unions

World Council of Credit Unions is the global trade association and development platform for credit unions. World Council promotes the sustainable development of credit unions and other financial cooperatives around the world to empower people through access to high quality and affordable financial services. World Council advocates on behalf of the global credit union system before international organizations and works with national governments to improve legislation and regulation. Its technical assistance programs introduce new tools and technologies to strengthen credit unions' financial performance and increase their outreach. World Council has implemented 300+ technical assistance programs in 90 countries. Worldwide, 82,758 credit unions in 97 countries serve 404 million people. Learn more about World Council's impact around the world at


Greg Neumann
+1 608-395-2048


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