Plouffe: ‘Unsettled and fluid’ primary in store

Campaign tactics have changed how candidates interact with voters.

David Plouffe

With the 2020 presidential primary season about to begin, much remains to be decided about what the ballot will look like in November.

David Plouffe, president, policy and advocacy at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, will address the 2020 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) Feb. 25 in Washington, D.C.

By the time Plouffe speaks at GAC, three states will have completed their caucuses and the presidential primary will take place in South Carolina days later. Then, a clearer picture will emerge of whose name will appear on the ballot in the fall.

Until then, much remains up in the air.

“It’s definitely one of the most unsettled and fluid primaries the Democratic Party’s ever had,” he says. “The general election is also remarkably fluid and hard to predict.”


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