Owning your brand

While en route to facilitate a member engagement training this month, I spent some time in the Syracuse airport. The airport has been under construction for the last several months and can be a little confusing, especially for a traveler late at night.

While trying to navigate my way to the parking garage, a kind young woman sweeping the terminal took the time to ask me if I needed directions. She asked in a warm, friendly manner that really gave the feeling she was empathetic to my plight. I gratefully accepted her help and was soon on my way to the parking garage.

When it comes to your credit union or bank’s brand, everyone must own your brand like this airport employee did.

According to Gallup, only 30 percent of U.S. employees are engaged at work. An actively disengaged employee—someone working against your brand and mission—costs the organization $3,400 for every $10,000 in salary. It pays to have employees own your brand.


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