Optimizing your multi-channel digital presence

As digital tools become a more integral part of our daily lives, the days of doing business strictly in person are becoming a thing of the past. The best way to succeed in today’s increasingly connected world is to know how to best leverage digital tools in order to offer a holistic high-tech, high-touch approach that effectively reaches your customers. Building a dynamic online presence begins with understanding how clients search for you and the services you provide, by learning what kind of customized content to share – and knowing what story to tell – through each digital channel.

Today, clients spend a fair amount of time researching their options online before ever contacting prospective agents or advisors. As clients express more interest in controlling their path to purchase through digital channels, it’s crucial to know where you fit in. By establishing a strong digital presence and following a few best practices to optimize your approach, you can stay top of mind with potential clients long before you ever speak to them online or in person.

The first step in the new digital path to purchase is ensuring you have a strong online presence to help nurture strong leads and referrals. If a prospect tries to research you online and comes up empty, it means you’ve failed a simple digital validation; the conversation is over before it even starts. Prospective clients want to learn about who you are, what your credentials are, and read reviews about you before they can move forward with considering working with you. Creating and maintaining online profiles across different digital platforms introduces you to prospective leads and also helps you strengthen relationships with current clients.


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