Optimizing your mobile efforts

Being able to text clients is an essential tool that helps maximize efficiency for your business and streamlines your communications. In a recent Hearsay Systems study, results show that 98% of texts from advisors are opened and 90% are read within the first three minutes. As successful as texting has become, it’s also essential to make sure all texting is done securely and compliantly. Here are a few key factors to building a compliant texting program:

  • Ensure message capture and retention. Per FINRA SEA Rule 17a-4, all texts with clients and prospects should be captured, time-stamped, logged, and archived for e-discovery. Any activity by assistants, admins, and supervision teams, such as message deletion, should also be logged.
  • Keep communications “fair and balanced.” Any information sent should follow this rule to prevent unsuitable or questionable messages from being sent. Having an up-to-date lexicon of restricted keywords can help flag possible issues and reduce the amount of time spent manually reviewing messages. Smart blocking is another preventative measure that can help stop the transmission of critical or sensitive information.


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