Opportunity for Those Who ‘Do It Right’

by. Trevor Gauthier and Dan Green

During Ascent, our annual user conference in June of this year, two panels of mortgage experts with broad experience, expertise and varying business models sat down to discuss the future and their outlooks for mortgage lending. They agreed on at least two things.

First, the business of housing finance has changed again. This time, though, there are more– as well as more complex–variables in play. Second, the changes taking place today represent new, unbridled opportunity for those lenders that get it right.

Setting the stage
Thirty years of downward-trending interest rates came to a halt this past May with the not-so-gradual increase we are now experiencing. The next 30 years will be a completely different ball game; lending in an upward-trending cycle is likely to be very different.

Refinance cycles won’t be coming along as they had every 12 to 30 months since the early 1980s. People are staying in their homes longer. Today’s borrowers are wiser than their ancestors. They have learned, at least at a high level, from the mistakes of the past. The new generation is also more tech-savvy; their service expectations are outsized compared with those of borrowers of the past.

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