Operation Takeout: Supporting restaurants in their time of need

The Restaurant Challenge from the University of Kentucky FCU guarantees revenue for local businesses and a paycheck for their workers.

One month ago, the executive team at the University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union($978.3M, Lexington, KY) took stock of the changes occurring within its local community.

The credit union, which is headquartered in the middle of bourbon country, has witnessed Lexington’s restaurant scene blossom as of late. Season 16 of the reality cooking show Top Chef was partially filmed in Lexington and aired its season finale in May 2019. The current reality for Lexington’s restaurants is starkly different, however, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing small, independent, often family-run restaurants to close or make drastic operational changes.

In this environment, UKFCU knew it needed to act.

“The little places can’t afford to close,” says CEO David Kennedy. “We’re worried we’re going to lose many of the amazing restaurants we have here.”


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