Opening Is the New Closing

by. Jeff Rendel

Over the past year, specialists in sales success have recognized sales traits (and subsequent skills) that predictably deliver results. Simply put, experts, consultants, and closers reliably produce superior outcomes in sales. Experts know their products cold; consultants recognize the right fit for each product and circumstance; and, closers ensure that accounts are opened and loans are closed. Hire and train to this skill set and you will witness surplus sales at your institution.

And—once again—customer perspectives have changed. In a nutshell: Customers know they have choices; they recognize they have sway; and, they can select and fulfill their wishes at the click of a mouse or the tap of a screen.

If we, as sales and service professionals, wish to establish, enrich, and expand relationships, the real opportunity lies with beginning inputs to the sales process, rather than the expected ends. Opening is the new closing. The opening is about results—made-to-order for your customers and beneficial for your institution. Here’s why and how.

It is no revelation to claim that, over the past decade, the financial services market has undergone far-reaching adjustments-with competitors, customer expectations, and ease of disintermediation.

Each of these ups and downs created a powerful influence on how we sell.

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