Onsite: Day One and Two Recap of CUNA’s America’s Credit Union Conference in San Diego


CUNA kicked off its annual America’s Credit Union Conference (ACUC) on Sunday in San Diego, CA.   Diana Dyktra, Pres/CEO of the CA/NV Credit Union League welcomed attendees on behalf of California’s 10 million credit union members after a look back at the evolution of ACUC over the years.

Keynote Major Dan Rooney, an F-16 fighter pilot and professional golfer, inspired the attendees with his message of synchronicity – facing life’s chances with purpose.  Major Rooney is a combat veteran with three tours over Iraq, the founder of the Folds of Honor Foundation and the author of A Patriot’s Calling.   He talked about his synchronicity moment finding his life’s passion in founding the Folds of Honor Foundation to provide scholarships to the children and spouses of soldiers killed or seriously wounded in the line of service.  Through his foundation and Patriot Golf Day he has helped raise over $13 million to help military families.

Ron Kase, CEO of Landmark Credit Union, was named Credit Union Magazine’s 2012 Credit Union Hero of the year Sunday night.   Kase retiring in January has almost 40 years in the credit union movement and said that he is more proud of the people he has been able to help during his years at Landmark CU.

On Monday morning the ACUC crowd was welcomed by CUNA President and CEO Bill Cheney discussing the growth of credit union membership over the past year and the initiatives for the industry to move forward.

Cheney discussed the continued attempts to pass member business lending legislation in a gridlocked Washington.  Cheney announced, “operation CONTAIN” in the hopes of reducing the regulatory burden on credit unions that may come from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.   His remarks were capped off talking about CUNA’s work on developing a program that will help the movement communicate its message to the public with more focus.

Monday’s general session speaker was best selling author Tom Peters.  Peters discussion focuses on putting employees first and how small to midsize organizations can do things better.  Peters stated in his talk that people don’t quit companies, they quit managers.

Discovery breakout sessions were held Monday and will continue throughout the day Tuesday.  ACUC runs through Wednesday.  Check back for more onsite coverage this week.

Randall Smith

Randall Smith

Randall Smith is the co-founder of CUInsight.com, the host of The CUInsight Experience podcast, and a bit of a wanderlust. As one of the co-founders of CUInsight he looks ... Web: www.CUInsight.com Details