Nussle calls for continued support for Senate reg relief bill

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle urged credit union stakeholders to maintain the momentum of support for the Senate’s bipartisan regulatory relief bill in an action alert issued Wednesday. In the video, Nussle said more work remains after CUNA’s Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation credit unions achieved several significant victories in 2017.

“We’re close to another one of those right now, a very meaningful win, but to cross the finish line, we’re going to need some of your help,” Nussle said. “S. 2155 is a bipartisan regulatory relief package that would be enormously beneficial to credit unions…We need to make it very difficult for anyone in Congress to vote no on this bill.”

Nussle urged credit union stakeholders to contact their Senators through CUNA’s Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation website, or go out to member via CUNA’s Member Activation Program.


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