Notre Dame, Alabama Credit Unions Make BCS Championship Wager

The two credit unions have made a friendly wager involving a $10,000 charitable donation.

In the spirit of the Notre Dame vs. Alabama BCS Championship game on January 7 in Miami, Florida, Notre Dame FCU’s President and CEO, Tom Gryp, challenged Alabama Credit Union’s President and CEO, Steve Swofford, to see which credit union can acquire the most credit card applications by January 6.

“Each credit union pledges an initial $5,000, and the credit union that receives the most VISA Credit Card applications by January 6 wins $10,000 to donate to the charity of their choice,” says Alabama Credit Union president Steve Swofford.

Alabama Credit Union selected Secret Meals For Hungry Children as its charity benefactor.

Notre Dame FCU’s charity of choice is Kelly Cares Foundation, established by Brian Kelly, Head Football Coach of the University of Notre Dame, and his wife Paqui. The foundation supports organizations, initiatives and programs that closely align with goals and values of the Kelly family in three main pillars: Health, Education, and Community.

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