News Archives

Member experience: Link interaction to experience

Member experience: Link interaction to experience

Credit unions have been working hard to figure out how their optimal member experiences will look and feel. From rebranding, to process and systems improvement, to streamlined procedures and policy—all can be essential elements [...]

How to market to prospects in 15 seconds

How to market to prospects in 15 seconds

What is the biggest objection to banking with you? Many credit unions and community banks point the finger at rates and service, and then tack on a qualifying statement, “but we’re competitive.” There’s [...]

Inbound marketing for credit unions: A primer

Inbound marketing for credit unions: A primer

Which would you prefer: You use print, radio, TV, and banner ads to attract new members and market specific products and services. Or… You let eligible, already-interested parties come to you for those same products, [...]

How credit unions can grow deposits with AI

How credit unions can grow deposits with AI

Competition for deposits from giant institutions on the one hand and aggressive fintechs on the other has put traditional community-based financial institutions on the defensive. Both the large banks and the startup players have been [...]

6 steps to prepare for a credit card breach

6 steps to prepare for a credit card breach

It’s the nightmare scenario: A ex-Amazon employee is arrested for stealing credit card application data for 106 million people, plus 140,000 Social Security numbers and 80,000 bank account numbers — and then brags [...]

Understanding liens

Understanding liens

Ever heard of a lien? It’s probably a good thing if you haven’t. A lien, with regards to your home, is a declaration against your home, stating you owe a creditor money. Liens [...]

What is simplicity worth?

What is simplicity worth?

Remember the rise of meal-kit delivery services? Many thought the craze would keep growing, but by the end of 2018, consumers had already begun to lose interest. One reason is many find the seemingly easy [...]

Jobs report falls below expectations

Jobs report falls below expectations

With 130,000 jobs gained last month, NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long said "August job growth failed to meet expectations, but this was still a solid report overall," adding that "[...]

Bring employees up to speed

Bring employees up to speed

Perhaps the most practical, cost-effective way to fight fraud is a good training program. “At the end of the day,” notes Chris Guard, VP/compliance and fraud at $40 billion North Carolina State Employees’ Credit [...]

ATM attacks & fraud up, survey reports

ATM attacks & fraud up, survey reports

Most ATM operators say they’re experiencing more ATM attacks and fraud in the last 12 months, but opinions about how to fight back appear mixed, according to new data from the ATM Industry Association ([...]

Membership Minute: Use it or lose it

Membership Minute: Use it or lose it

Everyone loves getting card rewards points that can be used toward future travel, merchandise, cash back or gift cards. In some cases, points can also be used to attend exclusive events or make donations to [...]