News Archives

How BI busts out at Teachers Credit Union

How BI busts out at Teachers Credit Union

Robots don’t stuff envelopes and lick the stamps at Teachers Credit Union (TCU)($3.3B, South Bend, IN), but they have greatly sped up the process of determining who gets those letters and why. [...]

NCUA gets tough on secondary capital

NCUA gets tough on secondary capital

You can be forgiven for wondering if NCUA woke up on the wrong side of the bed when it decided to issue its 23 page guidance to its staff detailing the minimum standards they must [...]

Banks can take multiple paths to become digital-ready

Banks can take multiple paths to become digital-ready

Organizations in every industry are trying to determine how to leverage advanced technologies to improve efficiencies and effectiveness, while improving the customer experience. In banking, the pressure to perform is intensified by new competition that [...]

Thank a hero

Thank a hero

Many organizations and communities are recognizing Public Safety Officer Appreciation Week in early October. Our public safety officers – police, firefighters, and EMTs – are well deserving of recognition.  They constantly protect and serve, running into danger [...]

From payments to money movement

From payments to money movement

There are some big changes that have shaken the world of payments. It is no longer just about debit, credit, and card-based transactions. Payments is about Money Movement – a relationship between merchants, consumers, and the [...]

CUNA action alert calls for removal of harmful NDAA provision

CUNA action alert calls for removal of harmful NDAA provision

CUNA issued an action alert Friday urging credit unions to contact their members of Congress to ensure a harmful provision for credit unions stays out of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year [...]

CFPB releases supervisory highlights

CFPB releases supervisory highlights

The CFPB Thursday published the 19th edition of its supervisory activities, conducted between December 2018 and March 2019, which provides insights into auto loan origination, credit card account management, debt collection, furnishing, and mortgage origination. [...]

An update on NCUA’s exam priorities

An update on NCUA’s exam priorities

CUNA Chief Compliance Officer Jared Ihrig provided an overview of NCUA examination priorities during a breakout session at the co-located CUNA Technology Council and CUNA Operations and Member Experience Council Conferences in Chicago earlier this [...]