News Archives

Discrimination suits plague credit union

Discrimination suits plague credit union

In the 21st century, it may be very difficult for most to believe that a credit union CEO would discriminate against an executive simply because of his religion. Yet that is what allegedly happened to [...]

Grow with your members through loan participations

Grow with your members through loan participations

Credit union loan participations have increased by 61% between 2014 and 2017 as a percentage of their total outstanding loan portfolios. Listen in to understand the landscape of modern loan participations and how to evaluate [...]

An end-of-day strategy to stay effective

An end-of-day strategy to stay effective

There are only so many hours in the day and they often seem to fly by. From meetings to email correspondence to employee drop-ins, a leader's time can quickly be accounted for without making much [...]

Your credit union’s Cinderella story

Your credit union’s Cinderella story

I play in a tennis league where last season I went 4-1, and this season I’ve started out 2-0. I got a backhanded compliment once (no pun intended) that I was the “largest gazelle” [...]

When it comes to life insurance, simple matters

When it comes to life insurance, simple matters

Think about the last product or service you bought. What drove your decision? If a combination of price, speed, and simplicity was the key—with a heavy emphasis on the simple—you’re in good [...]

Wait, what’s a chatbot again?

Wait, what’s a chatbot again?

Chatbots are a buzz-worthy topic for all organizations, including credit unions. Members can interact with chatbots in the digital channels they use regularly, like messaging apps and smart speakers, to receive personalized service and support. [...]

Nominations received for CUNA Board elections

Nominations received for CUNA Board elections

CUNA has confirmed receipt of three nominations for the Board elections. The deadline for nominations and seconds is Nov. 6.  In contested elections, voting will begin Nov. 12 and close Dec. 18. Nomination information can [...]

Big bank regulations loosened

Big bank regulations loosened

The Federal Reserve announced this week that an interagency rule to loosen Volcker rule requirements on big banks has been finalized. NAFCU had urged the agencies to withdraw their proposed rulemaking, arguing that relaxing the [...]

CFO Focus: The economic skies are darkening

CFO Focus: The economic skies are darkening

As we enter the final fiscal quarter of 2019, the skies are darkening on the U.S. economy and I believe will only get worse as the quarter progresses. Key segments of gross domestic product, [...]