News Archives

CUs: Understand, address cybersecurity threats with these resources

CUs: Understand, address cybersecurity threats with these resources

NAFCU's most recent Economic & CU Monitor report revealed that credit unions are more concerned about cyber risks in recent years and the issue receives heightened focus in October, which is recognized as National Cybersecurity [...]

App loyalty is the new brand loyalty

App loyalty is the new brand loyalty

Application loyalty is the new brand loyalty as consumers demand a flawless digital customer experience according to from a new study examining consumers’ reliance on applications and digital services. San Francisco based application performance management [...]

CU 2.0’s on-page SEO checklist

CU 2.0’s on-page SEO checklist

Most credit unions use content for inbound marketing in some capacity. But from what we’ve seen, most credit unions don’t follow many (if any) best practices. So, we’ve put together a brief [...]

What the most innovative leaders in banking have in common

What the most innovative leaders in banking have in common

To succeed in the future, financial institutions must embrace a culture of innovation that reinforces the process of digital transformation. To accomplish this, a bank or credit union must have strong leadership, openness to experimentation [...]

What’s your North Star?

What’s your North Star?

I’ve noticed a trend lately. When I tell you about it, you’ll start to notice it, too. I’ve noticed lately that everyone is always looking down. Whether waiting for a streetlight to [...]

Data Insights – Building a foundation

Data Insights – Building a foundation

Data insights start, naturally, with data. Get the data wrong, and your insights will be wrong.  Who wants to take business actions on insights based on bad data? The real problem is when you’re [...]

The best 2020 credit union conferences

The best 2020 credit union conferences

You’re all about getting to the next level—for both yourself and your credit union. Power your way with the best education and compliance assistance available.  View NAFCU's entire 2020 conference lineup now so [...]

Are credit unions ready to create a payment strategy?

Are credit unions ready to create a payment strategy?

To successfully plan a payment strategy, credit unions must first understand industry trends and how they could influence or disrupt the financial industry. A value chain consisting of card networks, acquiring functions, and issuing financial [...]

I love business jargon

I love business jargon

Thanks to the 1999 movie Office Space TPS reports entered the often-hilarious and usually mind-numbing world of business jargon. TPS reports are now synonymous with, as one critic put it, "meaningless exercises imposed upon employees [...]

CFPB announces taskforce on federal consumer financial law

CFPB announces taskforce on federal consumer financial law

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Friday announced it will establish a taskforce to examine the regulatory environment and recommend ways to improve federal consumer financial laws. The taskforce will work independently from the [...]

Building members’ financial security

Building members’ financial security

Walking into $13 million Express Credit Union, a community-based credit union located in South King County, Washington, you are immediately surrounded by representation of community: flyers sharing local events in multiple languages (such as Spanish [...]