News Archives

Facebook’s Libra digital currency may not be DOA

Facebook’s Libra digital currency may not be DOA

Jamie Dimon tossed out a soundbite about Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency venture at a conference, stating “It’s a neat idea that will never happen.” Dimon’s zinger was just one of a series of [...]

What happens if the court rules against the CFPB?

What happens if the court rules against the CFPB?

Pinch me! I think I’ve gone to constitutional law heaven. On Friday, the Supreme Court granted a petition to hear a case challenging the constitutionality of the CFPB’s leadership structure. In deciding to [...]

Respect the arena

Respect the arena

Last year, someone shared this quote from President Theodore Roosevelt with me. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of [...]

CUNA engaged w/ affordable housing, data privacy hearings

CUNA engaged w/ affordable housing, data privacy hearings

The House is expected to consider a CUNA-supported bill and CUNA will engage with several hearings in both chambers of Congress on topics such as affordable housing, minority depository institutions and data privacy this week. [...]

Supreme Court to rule on CFPB structure

Supreme Court to rule on CFPB structure

The U.S Supreme Court last week agreed to hear a case, filed by Seila Law, challenging the CFPB's single-director structure. Last month, CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger notified congressional leaders that the bureau would no [...]

The essentials of change management

The essentials of change management

Towards the end of last month, the Federal Reserve published their latest Consumer Compliance Outlook. This issue of the publication includes articles on change management and vendor management relating to flood insurance as well as [...]