News Archives

House to consider CTR/SAR bill, HFSC to mark up bills

CUNA will be engaged with a Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-money Laundering (BSA/AML) scheduled for the House floor as well as a markup by the House Financial Services Committee this week. The House will consider [...]

Real-time payments sparking fraud worries among FIs

Real-time payments sparking fraud worries among FIs

Real-time payments may be booming, but they may also be growing targets for fraud — and credit unions and other financial institutions are getting worried, an industry pro warned this week. The payment method, which allows [...]

Are your loans good for members?

Are your loans good for members?

The new managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, revealed striking statistics at the institution’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, in October. Two years ago, 75% of the world’s nations reported [...]

Quickly-growing phone scam targets bank customers via text message

Quickly-growing phone scam targets bank customers via text message

A quickly-growing phone scam targets banking customers via text message, pretending to be with a bank's fraud department and asking about fake "suspicious withdrawals." While precautionary measures like text message verification are used to safeguard [...]

BEC – A billion-dollar scam

BEC – A billion-dollar scam

A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) public service announcement alert indicates $26 billion has been lost from business email compromise (BEC) schemes between June 2016 and July 2019. This total is from actual victim complaints [...]

Part I: Shining a light on the dark web

Part I: Shining a light on the dark web

The Dark Web is a shadowy part of the internet where criminals plot their activity. This hidden area of the web is widely misunderstood, however. In this podcast we will explore the structure of the [...]

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

To tell the truth, I wince at some recent articles describing a financial institution’s renaming initiative – and the time, money and expertise that were surely spared on the effort to create their new name. [...]

Wear a pink tie: Be a he for she

Wear a pink tie: Be a he for she

Why wear a pink tie? Female CEOs are uncommon at large credit unions A significant pay gap still exists for women today Some men do not recognize the need to empower women Women can be [...]