News Archives

The power of #hashtags

The power of #hashtags

Dear Credit Unions, How is it that I’ve been working in social media for eight years and (until six months ago) never knew about you? How is it that I’m just NOW drinking [...]

Bill would enhance federal regulators’ cybersecurity programs

Bill would enhance federal regulators’ cybersecurity programs

Protecting Americans’ financial and other personal information no matter what entity possesses it is of utmost importance to credit unions, CUNA wrote to House Financial Services Committee leadership Tuesday. The committee conducted a markup of [...]

How are CUs impacted by exams?

How are CUs impacted by exams?

Following NCUA Board Chairman Rodney Hood's announcement of coordinated efforts with state regulators to modernize the supervisory system, NAFCU is seeking insight into how credit unions prepare for examinations. Association-member credit unions can provide their [...]

Leaning in: Credit unions and the fintech revolution

Leaning in: Credit unions and the fintech revolution

To compete and succeed in this ever-evolving and changing financial marketplace, credit unions must continue to push themselves to think and act differently. Fintech companies across the payments industry are continuing to influence consumers’ preferences [...]

PODCAST: Providing funds for solar power

PODCAST: Providing funds for solar power

The foray into solar lending at UMassFive College Federal Credit Union began with a desire to create a new loan product and simple Google search on “solar energy.” “If you want to grow at a [...]

‘Bulletproof’ hosting enables cyber attackers

‘Bulletproof’ hosting enables cyber attackers

Bulletproof hosting is a major problem and another indication of the growth and maturity of the criminal enterprise. Law enforcement has a challenging task in finding and arresting bad actors who are attacking organizations. So, [...]

Who are you talking to?

Who are you talking to?

Are you more George Michael or Lady Gaga? Maybe Rolling Stones or Blake Shelton? These can be fun questions to answer, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who you are [...]

How to use video to improve SEO

How to use video to improve SEO

The statistics are all over the place, so I won’t repeat them ad nauseam here. But the fact is, video is a major driver in content marketing. If you’re not using it now, [...]

2019: A strong year for credit unions

2019: A strong year for credit unions

As 2019 is quickly coming to a close, it’s clear that credit unions have moved the needle when it comes to advocacy, serving communities and exceeding member expectations – that’s why we continue to [...]