News Archives

CUNA backs FedNow proposal, urges CU involvement in process

CUNA backs FedNow proposal, urges CU involvement in process

CUNA strongly supports the Federal Reserve board’s decision to develop interbank settlement of faster payments, it wrote Thursday. The Fed proposed potential actions to create an interbank 24x7x365 real-time gross settlement service with integrated [...]

Futureproof your CU with Strategic Growth Conference

Futureproof your CU with Strategic Growth Conference

How can credit unions tap into today's consumer-driven "Know Me" economy? How can a credit union utilize crypto technologies and artificial intelligence? Digital Disruption Strategist Linda Bernardi will answer these questions and more during her [...]

5 counterintuitive take-a-ways for credit unions from Money 20/20

5 counterintuitive take-a-ways for credit unions from Money 20/20

At Money 20/20 USA in 2019, thousands of financial professionals gathered to discuss the future of money. CO-OP was onsite to help represent the credit union industry and measure our movement’s progress relative [...]

Are state charters losing steam?

Are state charters losing steam?

As the NCUA changes the rules around field of membership, more charter options are available for new and existing credit unions. For years, the dual charter system has featured more federal charters converting to state [...]

Are your workers prepared for the future?

Are your workers prepared for the future?

Workplaces have changed drastically in recent decades. Even in the past few years, the environments in which we work have evolved with new technologies and societal expectations for corporations. To keep up with these changes, [...]