News Archives

What “ABOUT US?”

What “ABOUT US?”

I was recently interviewed by CUInsight Co-Founder Randy Smith for The CUInsight Experience podcast series. It was truly an honor. Next year I will celebrate FORTY years in the credit union movement and naturally one [...]

Compliance: Recapping the 2019 BSA Conference

Compliance: Recapping the 2019 BSA Conference

CUNA joined the National Association for State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS) earlier this month for its annual Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-money Laundering (BSA/AML) Certification Conference in Tempe, Ariz. The three-day event featured presentations on [...]

The X-factors

The X-factors

I admit, I was a huge fan of the ’90s cult classic television show “The X-Files” and its two lead agents, Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. Uniting their strengths of science and gut instinct, Scully [...]

Finding time and energy for mentoring

Finding time and energy for mentoring

We all know how difficult it is to find the time to complete tasks associated with our daily work duties, much less to find time for such additional activities as mentoring. So why do people [...]

Holiday scam prevention tips

Holiday scam prevention tips

The holiday season is in full force. And while this time of year brings more business opportunities for credit unions, it also brings more risks. Member scams, transaction risks, and loan application fraud attempts all [...]

Skip-a-pay for the holidays

Skip-a-pay for the holidays

The holidays are upon us and seasonal retail sales are expected to be strong. A recent forecast from the National Retail Federation predicts growth of 3.8 to 4.2 percent over 2018 holiday retail [...]

From wish list to reality

From wish list to reality

In today’s financial landscape of big banks and online banks, credit unions and community banks must be more innovative than ever before to remain competitive. However, “innovation” usually requires funds. If your financial institution [...]

Do you show these 7 signs of trustworthiness?

Do you show these 7 signs of trustworthiness?

A fundamental component of being a great leader is trust. This trait instills a sense of respect and loyalty among employees, which ultimately strengthens your team's bond and drives successful outcomes. But just because you [...]