News Archives

CUs top banks when serving members’ financial well being

CUs top banks when serving members’ financial well being

Credit unions are far better than banks at serving their members’ feelings of well-being, according to a recent study from Gallup. According to the research, credit unions appear to be at their best far more [...]

NAFCU meets with CFPB on innovation policies, upcoming rules

NAFCU meets with CFPB on innovation policies, upcoming rules

Members of NAFCU's Government Affairs team met recently with CFPB leaders to discuss the bureau's ongoing rulemaking efforts and innovation policies to share credit unions' perspectives on the issues. Last week, NAFCU Executive Vice President [...]

Reporting ERM activities is critical

Reporting ERM activities is critical

A critical component to any enterprise risk management (ERM) program is reporting the results. Providing an update on the ERM program and what has been accomplished allows the ERM culture to continually be fostered at [...]

New Year’s resolutions for credit unions?

New Year’s resolutions for credit unions?

Every year, countless people make New Year’s resolutions. And every year, countless people break them. Why do you think that is? I suspect it has to do with the fact that most people confuse “[...]