News Archives

Is talking holding you back?

Is talking holding you back?

It's easy to talk. But you have a problem when your words don't have a purpose or don't lead to action. There are reasons teams might defer to talk instead of action: Ideas are just [...]

5 ways to market to eligible audiences only

5 ways to market to eligible audiences only

Marketing based on credit union field of membership can be challenging. Understanding the right platforms to use and their limitations on financial institutions can hinder marketing to your eligible audiences. There are a few different [...]

3 overdraft hacks that your members will love

3 overdraft hacks that your members will love

Nobody likes getting dinged with fees. In fact, levying too many fees at your members is a surefire way of frustrating them. But what if I told you there’s a way to make your [...]

Congress working on appropriations bills as funding expires Dec. 20

Congress working on appropriations bills as funding expires Dec. 20

Federal government funding is scheduled to expire Dec. 20, and reports indicate Congress has reached a tentative agreement to prevent funding from lapsing. Should no agreement be reached by Dec. 20, the federal government would [...]

NAFCU to Congress: Protect small lenders, act on housing finance reform

NAFCU to Congress: Protect small lenders, act on housing finance reform

Following Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Mark Calabria's recent announcement that the agency plans to issue a re-proposed rule setting capital requirements for the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac early next [...]

PODCAST: Developing credit union advocates

PODCAST: Developing credit union advocates

Brandon Riechers believes in developing young professionals and getting them involved in all areas of the credit union movement. “I’ve always been a champion of young professionals,” says Riechers, president/CEO of $2.6 [...]