News Archives

Why most digital banking transformation efforts have stalled

Why most digital banking transformation efforts have stalled

Digital transformation is growing more pervasive in every banking organization, moving beyond “projects” to organization-wide initiatives involving technology, product development, business models and culture. Budgets are increasing as organizations are finally updating legacy systems and [...]

Comments on CFPB remittance rule changes due Jan. 21

Comments on CFPB remittance rule changes due Jan. 21

CUNA is encouraging credit unions to submit their comments on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposal to raise the safe harbor thresholds for its remittance rule by the Jan. 21 deadline. Stakeholders can [...]

Retail sales see ‘promising’ growth in December

Retail sales see ‘promising’ growth in December

Total retail sales rose 0.3 percent in December – the third consecutive month to see a rise. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long provided additional insights in a new NAFCU Macro [...]

A segment of society marginalized by some FIs?

A segment of society marginalized by some FIs?

As a member of the LGBTQ community, Myles Meyers knows what it’s like to be treated in a different manner by a financial institution. “I know what it feels like to be looked at [...]

Transaction laundering in the payments landscape

Transaction laundering in the payments landscape

These days, criminals have turned to internet-based transaction laundering to disguise profits from unscrupulous and illegal enterprises. Transaction laundering has also been referred to as factoring, undisclosed aggregation, and electronic money laundering, and it occurs [...]

Why you need criticism to grow

Why you need criticism to grow

Just as there is no success without failure, there is no improvement without criticism. Many of us likely are our own worst critic, but being able to take someone's constructive criticism in stride and grow [...]

4 ways to help employees thrive

4 ways to help employees thrive

You’ve put the right team in place, but they’re not quite performing up to their potential.  If you’re finding yourself in this position, here are four ways you can help your team [...]

Relevance: The credit union opportunity

Relevance: The credit union opportunity

The total number of credit unions has dropped consistently since 2011 – but the number of credit union members continues to increase. Why?  And where is the opportunity here for increasing member engagement even further? The [...]