News Archives

Amending remittance rule will reduce costs, increase access

Amending remittance rule will reduce costs, increase access

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) should explore several revisions and additions to its remittance rule, CUNA wrote to the CFPB Tuesday. The CFPB issued a proposed rule making several changes to the remittance rule, [...]

NAFCU meets with NCUA on exams, supervisory priorities

NAFCU meets with NCUA on exams, supervisory priorities

NAFCU Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel Carrie Hunt, Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long, and Senior Counsel for Research and Policy Andrew Morris met Friday with NCUA Office [...]

How do you make your 2020 vision a reality?

How do you make your 2020 vision a reality?

With 2020 roaring full speed ahead, I wanted to open up a conversation topic that has been top of mind for our team lately. Like many of you, we have been eagerly working to define [...]

Seven C-suite competencies for the future

Seven C-suite competencies for the future

The rapid consumer adoption of advancements in technologies—and the complexities that accompany this—make relevancy and sustainability simultaneously exciting and daunting for many businesses, including credit unions. A significant key to success in this [...]

6 steps for detecting and preventing synthetic ID fraud

6 steps for detecting and preventing synthetic ID fraud

In our last post, we overviewed the different kinds of synthetic identification fraud and their impacts. Synthetic IDs are easy for fraudsters to create—they make quick money and access services for which they will [...]

Example content for credit union nurture sequences

Example content for credit union nurture sequences

Last week, we shared an example of what kind of content a credit union might include in an email nurture sequence. After a few questions about what other products or services can benefit from a [...]

Why most digital banking transformation efforts have stalled

Why most digital banking transformation efforts have stalled

Digital transformation is growing more pervasive in every banking organization, moving beyond “projects” to organization-wide initiatives involving technology, product development, business models and culture. Budgets are increasing as organizations are finally updating legacy systems and [...]