News Archives

Forced-placement requirements for flood insurance

Forced-placement requirements for flood insurance

As part of a recent appropriations bill, Congress extended the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to September 30, 2020! The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (NFIA), as amended and implemented by Part 760 of [...]

A strengths-based culture

A strengths-based culture

You’ve likely heard the newest workplace buzz around strengths-based cultures. But what exactly is a strengths-based culture? It’s an atmosphere that relies less on the hierarchy of function and more on teams that [...]

Leagues echo CUNA support of NCUA’s appraisal proposal

Leagues echo CUNA support of NCUA’s appraisal proposal

CUNA wrote in support of NCUA’s proposal to raise the residential appraisal threshold earlier this month, as CUNA originally requested the rule to give credit unions parity with banks. Several credit union leagues around [...]

Coronavirus: Are your business continuity plans up to date?

Coronavirus: Are your business continuity plans up to date?

As health officials analyze reports of coronavirus cases as the flu season continues, NAFCU is encouraging credit unions to revisit or update their business continuity plans to ensure continuous operation of critical systems in case [...]

HR Answers: Tossing out the paper

HR Answers: Tossing out the paper

Human resources’ primary purpose should be the fostering of a company’s human capital. However, the operational side of HR can get in the way. As organizations grow, more and more burden is placed on [...]

NCUA rule changes with fidelity bonds

NCUA rule changes with fidelity bonds

On July 24, 2019 the NCUA finalized a rule amending its regulations regarding fidelity bonds (Parts 704 for corporate credit unions and 713 for natural person credit unions). These rule changes were effective on October [...]

Bigger isn’t always better

Bigger isn’t always better

Giants aren’t always as invincible as we think they are. Many times, the qualities that appear to give them their strength are the sources of their weakness as well. This was the central theme [...]

Can I throat punch you?

Can I throat punch you?

“Can you jump on a quick 15 minute call today so I can learn more about your credit union and your objectives?” Can I throat punch you? No.  You cannot have 15 minutes of my [...]