News Archives

10 (more) binge-worthy stats about cyber crime

10 (more) binge-worthy stats about cyber crime

Cyber crime is a clear and present danger. Most, if not all, organizations take precautions to avoid loss from traditional robberies or theft, but may not give cyber security a second thought. However, getting hacked [...]

Everyone talks or your strategic plan flops

Everyone talks or your strategic plan flops

How many people attend your credit union or bank’s strategic planning session? Ten? Twelve? More? Regardless of the number of voices, have you ever paused to really consider just how many are actually heard? [...]

First Financial creates in-house AI/ML lending experience

First Financial creates in-house AI/ML lending experience

There’s nothing artificial about the intelligence First Financial Federal Credit Union($1.0B, Lutherville, MD) is applying to the new loan decisioning solution the credit union has created in-house. The Baltimore-area cooperative is applying [...]

Saving for a recession

Saving for a recession

Recessions, though normal, are never welcomed. A recession is defined as an economic decline that lasts at least six months. Usually, they’re accompanied by images of doom and gloom. People often think they will [...]

Cybersecurity is an industry responsibility

Cybersecurity is an industry responsibility

Ransomware has dominated recent headlines. Many government systems, businesses and schools have been affected. As a company based in Baltimore who serves the CU industry, we are all too familiar with the impact Ransomware has [...]

Compliance: HMDA data due to CFPB by March 2

Compliance: HMDA data due to CFPB by March 2

NCUA’s latest Letter to Credit Unions (20-03) outlines submission of 2019 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. Credit unions located in metropolitan areas that engage in certain types and volume of residential mortgage lending, [...]

Vehicle sales overcome hurdles for January rise

Vehicle sales overcome hurdles for January rise

Total vehicle sales increased to a rate of 16.8 million annualized units in January – up 0.8 percent from last year.  Of note, strong light truck sales beat expectations and offset a decrease in [...]

Time to make strides in using rich member data

Time to make strides in using rich member data

When it comes to leveraging member data, 2020 needs to be the year credit unions do things they’ve never done before, says Tom Davis, making clear those efforts are not limited to just large [...]

Five 2020 financial services tech trends to watch

Five 2020 financial services tech trends to watch

The tech revolution in financial services continues to evolve, coaxing organizations to change and grow along with it. The new year and decade will present the industry with fresh challenges and greater opportunities. What tech [...]

Optimizing your multi-channel digital presence

Optimizing your multi-channel digital presence

As digital tools become a more integral part of our daily lives, the days of doing business strictly in person are becoming a thing of the past. The best way to succeed in today’s [...]

Digital transformation involves more than technology

Digital transformation involves more than technology

According to a global survey of managers and executives conducted by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte, close to 90% of executives anticipated that their industries would be disrupted by digital trends to a great [...]