News Archives

CUNA launches coronavirus resource, information page

CUNA launches coronavirus resource, information page

CUNA has launched a resource page for information and other materials on the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease as they become available. CUNA is closely following all developments and will update the page as necessary with business [...]

CFPB commission bill introduced in House

CFPB commission bill introduced in House

House Financial Services Committee Member Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., today introduced NAFCU-supported legislation that would reform the CFPB's governance structure from a single director to a bipartisan commission. NAFCU has consistently advocated that the bureau's leadership [...]

Are you preparing for coronavirus?

Are you preparing for coronavirus?

With the recent and significant uptick in global cases of the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), and the virus now prevalent in the U.S., credit union executives and their leadership teams are assessing how [...]

Goals for credit union retargeting campaigns

Goals for credit union retargeting campaigns

These days, most people use the internet to research the things they’re interested in. It happens constantly with consumer goods—people read reviews, blogs, tech specs, and anything they can find about their intended [...]

How will your credit union attract and retain top talent in 2020?

How will your credit union attract and retain top talent in 2020?

Financial institutions need a talented workforce to accomplish strategic goals, such as planning and completing their digital transformation, creating a better user experience and leveraging emerging technologies. But in an economic climate rife with continued [...]

Keep content relevant, short, iterative and engaging

Keep content relevant, short, iterative and engaging

As the saying goes, content is king. It seems this trend will continue this way for some time, as marketers notice ongoing impact on building awareness, increased customer engagement, as well as lead quantity and [...]

Bipartisan Senate bill would raise FCU loan maturity limits

Bipartisan Senate bill would raise FCU loan maturity limits

Sens. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) introduced a CUNA-supported bill Wednesday that would raise federal credit union loan maturity limits on non-mortgage loans from 15 to 20 years, the Expanding Access [...]