News Archives

May I quote you?

May I quote you?

April is Financial Literacy Month, the perfect time of the year to highlight this important credit union core value. Arguably, financial education is the cornerstone of credit unions’ public service that helps ensure tax exemption. [...]

NACHA issues ACH reminder to FIs potentially impacted by coronavirus

NACHA issues ACH reminder to FIs potentially impacted by coronavirus

NACHA issued an Operations Bulletin this week reminding financial institutions of the importance of reviewing their business continuity plans to ensure that they are prepared to maintain ACH payment processing capabilities in the event of [...]

Senators question Kraninger on QM proposal, MLA authority

Senators question Kraninger on QM proposal, MLA authority

CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger, while testifying before the Senate Banking Committee Tuesday, provided updates on efforts related to amending the definition of a qualified mortgage (QM) and potential expiration of the government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) patch, [...]

FFIEC updates pandemic planning guide

FFIEC updates pandemic planning guide

A little while ago, NAFCU blogged about the NCUA’s business continuity planning guidance and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC’s) 2007 Pandemic Planning Guidance. In light of the spread of Covid-19 [...]

10 top tips to develop young leaders

10 top tips to develop young leaders

On oversized Post-It Notes in board rooms all over the country you’ll often see something about the need to develop young leaders. But as the old Scottish proverb goes, If wishes were horses, beggars [...]