News Archives

Ten new ideas to help your credit union handle COVID-19

Ten new ideas to help your credit union handle COVID-19

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is escalating pretty quickly, both nationally and abroad. Between Ongoing Operations and CU 2.0, we’re seeing the challenges that credit unions are facing—and we’re getting ideas about [...]

CECL delay to 2024 would help CUs focus on COVID-19 needs

CECL delay to 2024 would help CUs focus on COVID-19 needs

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) should delay implementation of the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard to at least January 2024, CUNA wrote to FASB Wednesday, as credit unions are currently focusing on serving [...]

PODCAST: The pandemic’s economic impact

PODCAST: The pandemic’s economic impact

The coronavirus outbreak, while first and foremost a humanitarian crisis, will have a substantial financial impact on credit unions and their members. While the extent of that impact isn’t clear, Mike Schenk, CUNA chief [...]

2020 America Saves Week recap – so what?

2020 America Saves Week recap – so what?

America Saves Week is a weeklong event that occurs annually in February and a national call to action encouraging Americans to review their financial habits and make a commitment to saving. The program also advocates [...]

Is traditional marketing still alive?

Is traditional marketing still alive?

You may be surprised by the answer. As a marketing professional, I tend to notice advertisements and digital marketing more than the average person. Working for a company focused on expanding credit unions to reach [...]

NCUA and FinCEN issue COVID-19 guidance

NCUA and FinCEN issue COVID-19 guidance

You asked, you received. NCUA and FinCEN issued guidance for credit unions and other financial institutions concerned about the effects of COVID-19. Additionally, NAFCU received some clarification from the Federal Reserve on reserve requirements and [...]