News Archives

Additional CFPB relief would help CUs continue to assist members

Additional CFPB relief would help CUs continue to assist members

CUNA’s continued outreach and engagement with credit unions and other stakeholders resulted in a letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Kathy Kraninger Wednesday detailing additional policy recommendations to help credit unions continue [...]

FBI warns of increased BEC scams

FBI warns of increased BEC scams

"Fraudsters will take advantage of any opportunity to steal your money, personal information, or both. Right now, they are using the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic to further their efforts," the FBI warned in a [...]

A message from Shield’s Founder and CEO

A message from Shield’s Founder and CEO

COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on our lives, businesses, and the banking industry worldwide. As our local communities and the financial institutions that serve them respond to the shock waves caused by the spread [...]

Disintermediation in the time of COVID-19

Disintermediation in the time of COVID-19

Consumers fearful of direct contact with everything from snail mail to drive-thru receipts are just one example of why credit unions need to pay attention to disintermediation. That’s the term in the financial services [...]

Treasury, SBA issue FAQ document on PPP loans

Treasury, SBA issue FAQ document on PPP loans

The Treasury and Small Business Administration (SBA) released a frequently asked questions document on Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, updated as of April 6. The PPP is a new loan product to help businesses affected [...]

Fed to set up facility to purchase PPP loans; NAFCU here to assist CUs

Fed to set up facility to purchase PPP loans; NAFCU here to assist CUs

As credit unions seek ways to support members impacted by the coronavirus, including through the Small Business Administration's (SBA) new paycheck protection program, NAFCU remains steadfast in its commitment to provide the best federal advocacy, [...]