News Archives

Resources available for small CUs to connect, share during pandemic

Resources available for small CUs to connect, share during pandemic

Small credit unions around the country are facing many of the same challenges, plus additional ones, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, CUNA Manager, Small Credit Union Initiatives Tom Sakash said. In a video posted [...]

Berger, during call with CFPB’s Kraninger, urges reg relief

Berger, during call with CFPB’s Kraninger, urges reg relief

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger and Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel Carrie Hunt spoke with CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger and other bureau senior staff Wednesday to reiterate credit unions' need [...]

PODCAST: Economic update

PODCAST: Economic update

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, CUNA’s economists are closely following the situation. They recently discussed the economic and credit union impact of COVID-19 during the CUNA Managing Economic and Operational Challenges COVID-19 eSchool, [...]

Contactless payments at a tipping point?

Contactless payments at a tipping point?

A pandemic of global proportions may be pushing contactless card adoption to new heights, and soon. The Futurist Groupthink firm has just issued a report on survey findings that the coronavirus outbreak had sharply increased [...]

Resources from CUNA and the Leagues for COVID-19

Resources from CUNA and the Leagues for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has credit unions doing exactly what credit unions were built for: people helping people. To help you manage the challenges of this pandemic and its impact, CUNA and the Leagues have developed [...]