News Archives

The mortgage market needs a plumber…fast!

The mortgage market needs a plumber…fast!

When you own a house, most hope that they never have to know too much about the intricacy of the home’s plumbing system. Odds are, if there’s a plumber at your home telling [...]

5 ideas for now and the future

5 ideas for now and the future

I must say it’s great to see ALL credit unions embracing the various products of the COVID-19 impact and continuing to operate within the necessary parameters. On our end, we’ve been figuring out [...]

CUNA/AACUL/Leagues bring PPP recommendations for equal CU access

CUNA/AACUL/Leagues bring PPP recommendations for equal CU access

Challenges to lenders making loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) persist, CUNA, the American Association of Credit Union Leagues and state Leagues wrote to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Tuesday. The PPP is a Small [...]

New report warns of stimulus payment fraud

New report warns of stimulus payment fraud

As the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service begin to disperse stimulus payments under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), an article from KrebsOnSecurity warns that the new website to help [...]

Bad actors revel in hard times

Bad actors revel in hard times

Here’s a scenario that may become more common as credit unions deploy remote workers as part of their COVID-19 pandemic response: A scammer looks up CU employees on LinkedIn and then calls the IT [...]

Work from home without losing your mind

Work from home without losing your mind

How in the world am I going to work from home without losing my mind? Or, if you’re a leader...How am I going to help my team work from home without slowly losing [...]