News Archives

Listening to understand

Listening to understand

A few weeks back I was doing a morning meditation on Insight Timer (thank you to Leo Ardine for the referral). During a 30 day meditation (that Jill recommended) there was a course on listening. [...]

How credit unions can shine in dark times

How credit unions can shine in dark times

Credit unions with close relationships to their members and communities were made for a time like this. Advertising plans and marketing strategies built for 2020 could not have predicted the current state we’re in. [...]

NAFCU hits the virtual road with state-specific webinar series

NAFCU hits the virtual road with state-specific webinar series

As NAFCU seeks ways to keep the industry informed of the latest information and challenges impacting operations amid the coronavirus pandemic, the association is launching a virtual roadshow featuring more than 20 events targeting individual [...]

The pros of a federal credit union charter

The pros of a federal credit union charter

In most states, credit unions have a choice of operating with a state or federal charter. There are a number of considerations in determining which charter is more advantageous.  This is an overview of some [...]

The power of using data to drive decisions

The power of using data to drive decisions

These days, data is ubiquitous. As consumers, we carry it with us and leave a digital footprint wherever we go. Lending leaders need it, value it, and are able to amass it—but many of [...]

How 11 industry-leading credit unions have responded to COVID-19

How 11 industry-leading credit unions have responded to COVID-19

Leading a credit union – or any organization – has perhaps never been more difficult than with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, in the case of credit unions, perhaps demonstrating leadership in financial services has [...]

Time to grow your resilience

Time to grow your resilience

With the onset of daily news reports being enough to make you want to curl up into a ball, is it any wonder that mental health issues are growing daily in our homes, schools, and [...]